

The world celebrated Friendship day on 7th of August. This article is little late to write but I couldn’t hold my thoughts and pen down what it means to me.The word ‘’friendship” sounds ordinary but the meaning is deep beneath. It starts with Friends and lasts forever. As adults, we think twice before calling anyone a friend. But in kindergarten, all it takes is a ‘Hi!’ or shared tiffin to lay the foundation for a friendship that soon turns into ‘best friendship’. Remember those carefree days? Sitting together in classes and then getting thrown out of class for talking too much? Such innocent was our childhood! The evening call by friends outside your home for playing hide & seek or ice-water. Were you the kind of kids that made fun of teachers after class? Or copy them at their back? No matter what it was you did, or liked to do, chances are you did it with your best friend; your chaddi buddy; your brother/sister from another mother. Do you know what your oldest friend is doing now?

Probably the answer is ‘no’ not sure. Sadly as time goes on, we lose touch with our best friends. We go to different universities, or get jobs in different cities.  We feel like we are in a race and to compete rest we left everything behind even sometimes it’s our own happiness! Of course, we vow to keep in touch, but days become weeks, weeks become months, and months become years; and best friends become people we used to know.

The connection between two friends is often indescribable. It just feels right whenever you are together then why not to continue this beautiful bond forever. We feel the happiest with our best friends no matter what life is taking us through. So let us show our close friends that we still love them and they will be a part of our life. No matter what they will always be there in one corner of our heart. Without them life is not worth living!

Games I use to play in my childhood

  1. Which Color do you choose : This game teaches the kids how to take decisions by coordinating with others and to observe what others speak.


2. Rajan, Mantri, Chor, sipahi: Another chit game, following the same pattern of Killer, Killer, in this game if you picked the Raja chit, you were automatically the recipient of the bonus 1000 points, if you picked the mantri chit, it would be 800 points. The person picking the Sepahi chit would have one guess to figure out who the “chor” is. If he guess correctly, then 500 points to him, but none to the “chor” and if he guesses incorrectly, then vice versa.


3. Snakes & Ladder : I use to play snakes and ladder when my mom makes me sit at home and not let me play out usually the sunday’s. The fun twin of the Ludo boardgames, Snakes and Ladders was more fun as kids, while Ludo appealed to us more when we grew up a little more and were just stepping into the whole realm of strategic games.


4. Chidiya Udd, Tota udd, Chuha udddd : This use to be my class room game on the bench in between the sessions . What fun.


5. Pitto : This 2-team game involved stacking seven flat stones one above the other and aiming a ball to knock them all down. But each team had to do it before the other team could hit them with stones and call them “out”.

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6. Pakdam Pakdai : I always use to cheat in this game . When my friend use to bling fold me, I use to tell her, tie it light and in the process use to see it from the bottom of the band.Pretty basic, one person would be blindfolded and would have to hunt for the others, who would keep dropping plenty of noise clues, like clapping or whistling or giggling. If he caught you, then it’s your turn to be blindfolded next.


7. Hopscotch : This use to be big girl games like 4,5,6th class students. It was a combination of precision with which you put your stone and hop.


8. Bat & Ball : My brother use to play this game with a rubber ball in class 5th onward. Mom use to scold him a lot for making his white shirt all dirty by fielding the ball.

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9. Ringa Ringa Roses : This use to be my 1st std game with all friends making a circle and singing , Ringa Ringa roses .At the end of the song, we use to all fell down and laugh.




11. Name – Place- Thing – animal


Lets Play again. Which one was your favorite game, comment and share the fun.

Written by : Roshini

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